The Electrocardiogram - Part VII

Sinus Rhythms

Sinus rhythms are characterized by electrical flow through the normal conduction pathways of the heart. The natural pacemaker, the SA node, is represented by a P wave with a normal PR-interval.

Normal Sinus Rhythm

ECG Characteristics:
Rate 60 to 100 bpm
Rhythm Regularly Regular
P wave Upright & Rounded, a P wave exists for every QRS complex
PR-Interval 0.12 to 0.20 seconds (120 - 200 ms)
QRS Complex 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (60 - 120 ms)
T wave Upright & Rounded
QT-Interval 0.36 to 0.44 seconds (360 - 440 ms) may be longer for females

Sinus Bradycardia

ECG Characteristics:
Rate less than 60 bpm
Rhythm Regularly Regular
P wave Upright & Rounded, a P wave exists for every QRS complex
PR-Interval 0.12 to 0.20 seconds (120 - 200 ms)
QRS Complex 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (60 - 120 ms)
T wave Upright & Rounded
QT-Interval 0.36 to 0.44 seconds (360 - 440 ms) may be longer for females

Sinus Tachycardia

ECG Characteristics:
Rate greater than 100 bpm (usually between 100 - 160 bpm)
Rhythm Regularly Regular
P wave Upright & Rounded, a P wave exists for every QRS complex
PR-Interval 0.12 to 0.20 seconds (120 - 200 ms)
QRS Complex 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (60 - 120 ms)
T wave Upright & Rounded
QT-Interval 0.36 to 0.44 seconds (360 - 440 ms) may be shortened

Sinus Arrhythmia

ECG Characteristics:

Rate 60 to 100 bpm, varies with respiration (faster with inspiration, slower with expiration)
Rhythm Irregularly Irregular, the R-R interval is shorter during inspiration and longer with expiration.
P wave Upright & Rounded, a P wave exists for every QRS complex
PR-Interval May vary slightly within normal limits
QRS Complex 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (60 - 120 ms)
T wave Upright & Rounded
QT-Interval Usually within normal limits
Possible Causes:
  • Reflex vagal tone inhibition related to the normal respiratory cycle.
  • Underlying conditions that increase vagal tone, digitalis toxicity, increased ICP, and inferior wall MI

Sinus Arrest

ECG Characteristics:

Rate 60 to 100 bpm, varies with the pause
Rhythm Regularly Regular, except where there is dropped beats
P wave Exists for every QRS complex, absent during pause
PR-Interval Within normal limits when present
QRS Complex 0.06 to 0.12 seconds (60 - 120 ms), absent during pause
T wave Upright & Rounded, absent during pause
QT-Interval Within normal limits when present
Possible Causes:
  • Acute infection
  • Inferior wall AMI
  • Digitalis, quinidine, salicylate toxicity
  • Carotid sinus massage
  • Contrast dye
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Vagal stimulation
  • Pesticide poisoning
  • Degenerative heart disease

The tutorial:


Anonymous said...

I am a nursing student, and this tutorial has really helped me out. Do you go into A-Fib, flutter, V-tach etc. on this site?

Adam Thompson, EMT-P said...

I haven't yet. I took a break with the tutorial, but I will get back to it soon. Premature complexes are next, then atrial rhythms.