
Monday, July 6, 2009

Back From ClinCon

I am back from Orlando and ready to start posting again. My team made the finals and took 5th place overall. You have to remember that it is a game, and the winner isn't necessarily someone you would want to take care of you or a loved one. We had a good time and attended quite a few presentations.

I have quite a bit I would like to post about here soon.

Some of what to look forward to:
  • Long QT Syndrome
  • Induced hypothermia
  • More on prehospital immobilization
  • A discussion on stable/unstable vs. symptomatic/asymptomatic
  • More reviews of prehospital research
You may have also noted new authors. Jason Winter and Star of Life Law. I'm not sure how often they will be posting, but I am sure that anything they add will be worth reading. I also have one more author on the way, since the blog isn't becoming as cluttered as I once thought it would. His name is Jason Ausman and he is a critical care/flight medic for my organization. I have been involved in many discussions with this individual and I am certain he will have some great knowledge to add. Please welcome him with the usual scrutiny.

Thanks for stopping by,

Adam Thompson, EMT-P

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