
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Strip Tease

I am bringing the strip tease to the paramedicine blog. This was an idea that my training captain started within my agency through emails. He would send out an ECG strip and ask for us to provide our interpretations. I have recently started doing this on, and I have been getting a pretty positive response. Here is what I am talking about:

I am now going to post these strip teases simultaneously on here and on emtcity.

You are free to provide your interpretations within the comments of each strip tease.

This means be aware, if you don't want any hints, don't look at the comments until you have your guess.

The answers will be posted shortly after, but post dated so they don't pop up right on top of the strip tease.

There will be a link to the answer placed on the bottom of the strip tease post.

I will start with Strip Tease 10, and get the old ones posted on here soon.

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