
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

EMS Week 2009

EMS week is a chance for prehospital health providers to acquire a little appreciation. For 51 weeks we work, we don't expect a thank you, we don't expect to eat or sleep when we want, some of us don't even expect a paycheck; God bless the volunteers. For one week, we get those thank you's that come so few.

I want to extend my thanks to everyone before me, that has made EMS what it is today. I am more grateful for this job than words can explain. I would also like to thank EMS itself for a few things. Thanks for allowing me to legally and literally shock people. Thank you for D50, really, thank you! Thanks for intubation, cause it looks cool. Thanks for the badge too, haven't paid a cover charge since I got it. Thank you to the guy that decided the use of gloves in the prehospital setting is a good idea. Thank you, thank you, thank you for cute ER nurses, even if you have nothing to do with it.

Thanks for never letting me slack off, and keeping me on my game. Thanks for putting food on my table and a roof over my head. Thank you for those few moments I really do get to make a difference. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of something truly great. Thank you for allowing me to be there in a time of need. Most of all, thank you ahead of time, for when I will finally need you too.

Picture above from downtown Fort Myers

Okay okay, enough mushy stuff. The following is a summary of a few sites that come up when you Google EMS Week.

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) - A pretty good site that offers a lot, the leader in EMS week activities. A monthly planning calendar and some tips for making your EMS week great. There is a lot of good stuff to help you get your agency more involved in the community. The more your agency is involved, the more you are appreciated!

PromosOnTime Surprisingly this was the second link down. It's a site that sells all the goodies we hand out. From coloring books to stress-ball ambulances. This stuff is always good to have at those special details.

PositivePromotions Yet another goody store. Looks like a wider selection, and some stuff I wouldn't mind having; from coffee cups to gear bags.

JEMS There is a good discussion based on the topic of EMS week 2009.

How is your service celebrating?

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