
Friday, August 13, 2010

Research: Management of the Airway in the Trauma Patient

Check this out...

J Trauma. 2010 Aug;69(2):294-301. [Pubmed]
Prehospital airway and ventilation management: a trauma score and injury severity score-based analysis.
Davis DP, Peay J, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Simon F, Tominaga G, Steele J, Coimbra R.

BACKGROUND:: Emergent endotracheal intubation (ETI) is considered the standard of care for patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, recent evidence suggests that the procedure may be associated with increased mortality, possibly reflecting inadequate training, suboptimal patient selection, or inappropriate ventilation. OBJECTIVE:: To explore prehospital ETI in patients with severe TBI using a novel application of Trauma Score and Injury Severity Score methodology. METHODS:: Patients with moderate-to-severe TBI (head Abbreviated Injury Scale score 3+) were identified from our county trauma registry. Demographic information, pre-resuscitation vital signs, and injury severity scores were used to calculate a probability of survival for each patient. The relationship between outcome and prehospital ETI, provider type (air vs. ground), and ventilation status were explored using observed survival-predicted survival and the ratio of unexpected survivors/deaths. RESULTS:: A total of 11,000 patients were identified with complete data for this analysis. Observed and predicted survivals were similar for both intubated and nonintubated patients. The ratio of unexpected survivors/deaths increased and observed survival exceeded predicted survival for intubated patients with lower predicted survival values. Both intubated and nonintubated patients transported by air medical crews had better outcomes than those transported by ground. Both hypo- and hypercapnia were associated with worse outcomes in intubated but not in nonintubated patients. CONCLUSIONS:: Prehospital intubation seems to improve outcomes in more critically injured TBI patients. Air medical outcomes are better than predicted for both intubated and nonintubated TBI patients. Iatrogenic hyper- and hypoventilations are associated with worse outcomes.

This publication is prestigious enough to trust the validity of the study.  It looks as if enough patients were ruled-in to take consideration of the evidence.  With the increase in ICP (intracranial pressure) that intubation causes, it has been theorized in the past, that intubating the TBI patient only made them worse.  However, this study shines a different light.  So what do you think?  The discussion is open.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been able to read the full article (I can't get this publication through my college library...still looking for a source to get it). However, from the summary and other similar articles, tell me what you think.

    If air medical outcomes were better in both intubated & non-intubated patients, does the higher level of training, experience & QI that air medical crews have show that those factors help survival. Is their decision making ability better at choosing when intubation is appropriate? When they do have to intubate, if they perform that skill on a more frequent basis does that improve competency?

    Hypo & hyper-capnia had a worse outcome in intubated and non-intubated patients. Iatrogenic hyper & hypoventilations are associated with worse outcomes. Can we assume that we need better education on intubation & post-intubation care?

    What else?
