
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

#CoEMS: CPR Effectiveness

Chronicles of EMS, A Seat at the Table takes on CPR effectiveness.  The Las Vegas video that they mention can be found below as well.  Keep up the good work Justin and Mark!

Side note - ILCOR, The International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation has not found any supporting evidence for the Autopulse.  They are the ones whom do the research for AHA.  Also, transporting patients without a pulse should be re-looked at by any agency performing this practice.  The initial treatment at the ER will not differ from the treatment we provide at the scene per ACLS guidelines.  Why not give the patient the best chance possible.  If they don't get a pulse back on scene, it is probably never going to come back--that's just the facts.

Man vs. Machine

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