
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rose by any other name...

The title is not a typographical error or omission, I meant it to play on the line from Romeo and Juliet.
In the Shakespeare play, Romeo proclaims that his love for Juliet transcends their family names and political differences by saying

"...That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

And this line certainly conveys that feeling, as does the rest of their exchange, but try calling Rose, your 78 year old patient, by another name and let's see if she stays as sweet.

It can not be repeated enough so I will keep repeating it until I either snap and become un-Happy or until I stop hearing certain words at the scenes of emergency responses.

If you choose to use profanity I have issues with you.

If you use inappropriate terms to describe ethnic groups, I have issues with you.

If you can't learn and use your patient's name then we not only have issues, but you are lazy.

Things I have heard on scenes throughout my travels are terms like Pal, Buddy, Honey, Sweetie and my least favorite, Dear.

Let me assure you I have fallen victim to the occasional frustrated or suddenly confused Buddy or Dear comments, but constantly using such terms only proves you don't care enough to even learn their name.

And another point of clarification, while we're on the topic of names, your patients are not expected to remember yours. Notice I said remember, not learn, because of course we are introducing ourselves to our patients, then using the names they tell us to address them.

Aren't we?

When entering a scene keep in mind what you look like. Uniformed, carrying bags, wearing gloves, possibly even a mask and asking questions. Not to mention all that ruckus outside. That's scary. Not just for the kiddos, but everyone.
Now imagine the confusion when I come racing up the stairs in full turnouts fresh from a fire call doing the same thing.

So when you approach these folks, put them at ease from the first words out of your mouth.
I prefer a simple phrase like, "Hi there" or "Good (afternoon, evening, morning)" just to remind them I'm a human being too.

Now to the tricky stuff that comes from experience, the introduction.
"What's wrong?" is a poor opening line,
"What happened?" can lead down roads not concerning the present Chief Complaint, and
"Why did you call 911?" often leads to people looking away and saying "um..."

Start by offering a hand and simply saying hello, then your name. When they reach to shake in introduction not only do you have an ABC assessment complete, but you make them smile and feel at ease.

Now remember the name they give you.

Repeat it to them.
"Hi Jessica, how did you end up on the floor today?"
Write it on your glove if you must, but remember it. Use it. Call them by it.

If Jessica introduces herself as Mrs Johnson, you call her Mrs Johnson until she tells you otherwise. Not Jessica and certainly not Dear or Sweetie.

Not using a patient's name when speaking to them shows not only disinterest in your patient but disinterest in your profession.
If you lose the trust of your patient then all you are is an expensive ride.
Earn their trust and do it from the beginning with a smile, an offer of a hand, a hello and referring to them by their name.
It's a little step that goes a long way and will not get you noticed when you do it, but will stand out glaringly if you don't.

Imagine if Juliet showed Romeo the amount of interest many in EMS do and called out,
"Buddy, Guy, oh where for art thou Pal?"

I think Romeo would have turned tail and found someone that could at least remember his name.


Speaking of names, I broke my own rule there didn't I. I'm Justin Schorr from and the Chronicles of EMS, a recent addition to the contributors here at Paramedicine101.
It is an honor to be considered worthy of inclusion in such an influential forum and I hope to live up to the standard set by those who came before me.
You can reach me at with any questions, comments or concerns. So until next time, see you in the interwebs.


  1. Great first post. This is something that I have thought about from time to time, but never really addressed. I have used dear, sir, and ma'am quite a few times.

    My goto introduction has become : "Hello there, my name is Adam and I am your paramedic today. What is your name sir/ma'am? What brings us here today [enter name]?"

    If the patient seems to be worried, I will add the ole "There is nothing to be worried about [enter name], I am here with some of the best in the business".

    Anyhow, good job with your first post here, and welcome.

    Stay Happy,


  2. Great post. It seems to me that for the short time we are with our patients, it is more likely that they will remember how we interacted with them. On the other hand, they also probably will remember how it felt when we did something to them (instead of doing something for them).

    The question I always have is, "how can we get our students (and new providers) to learn this, believe this and keep this attitude from day one?"

    Thanks again for the great site.
