
Friday, March 12, 2010

EMS 2.0

Passionate members of the EMS community, you are not alone.

I first came across, what is termed EMS 2.0, on Ambulance Driver's blog. It is actually a movement that was initiated by The Happy Medic. The Happy Medic is Justin Schorr a firefighter-paramedic from San Francisco. Unfortunately The Happy Medic's blog has not been a regular read of mine. I am regrettably a creature of habit, and just didn't get addicted to hist stuff--until now. I don't feel as bad since paramedicine 101 is absent from his blogroll as well.

One of my partners asked me if I had been watching the Chronicles of EMS. An EMS webcast that was started by Justin Schorr and Mark Glencorse of Medic999. Mark is a UK paramedic who contacted Justin with the intent of a foreign-exchange work program of sort. They are taking part in witnessing each other work in their own respective EMS systems. They share stories and explain how each system is different and, in some ways, the same.

After watching the first episode of the Chronicles of EMS reality show, which featured these two fellow EMSers, I was hooked. I then watched a few episodes of A seat at the table, which is all about EMS 2.0. I am more than hooked at this point, I want in. As far as I am concerned, there are two types of people in this world of EMS workers--the people that complain about problems, and the people that try and solve problems. I believe EMS 2.0 looks to be a solid start. I hope to inspire the paramedicine 101 readers to head over to these sites and check out this movement on their own.

Link - EMS 2.0

Examples of the videos I spoke of:

Chronicles of EMS - A Seat at the Table "EMS 2.0 Part 1" from Thaddeus Setla on Vimeo.

Chronicles of EMS - The Reality Series (Season 1 Episode 1) from Thaddeus Setla on Vimeo.

Justin, Mike, Thaddeus, I hope it was okay I robbed your site of these videos and the EMS 2.0 logo. I invite you to contact me via I would love to be involved.

Thanks for stopping by,

Adam Thompson, EMT-P


  1. Use away good Sir, use away. The EMS 2.0 "movement" means something different to everyone and not every solution works in every system.
    One of the things I love abou tit is that, just like here, folks are finding it a way to find other folks ideas on how to reboot the EMS mission.
    It will take time, effort and a great deal of political might, but the first step is sharing ideas.
    Thank you.
    My omission of this forum from the blogroll is indeed a glaring oversight to be remedied in the very near future.

  2. Why thank you Justin. I agree on the subject of solutions. I think this mostly stems from EMS being so different everywhere you go. You have private services, third party services, fire-based services, and each one of those has it's own subcategories. I am a big fan of what you are doing, and I hope to eventually join you guys at the table.

    I was only kidding about the blogroll thing, but thank you.

  3. Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.

  4. Adam -

    Did you notice that the Paramedicine 101 blog receives a "shout-out" on Episode 6 of A Seat at the Table?

    Check it out!


    P.S. The anonymous post above me is how spammers "ping" a blog to see if it accepts anonymous comments.
