
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gordon Ewy MD: "We're about at the tipping point."

Dr. Gordon Ewy from the University of Arizona is probably the World's leading advocate for "cardiocerebral resuscitation" (as opposed to cardiopulmonary resuscitation). In other words, continuous chest compressions.

The American Heart Association stopped short of advocating continuous chest compressions for professional rescuers in 2005, but Dr. Ewy thinks we may finally be at the "tipping point."

Click HERE to see the report on KOLD-TV News 13 from Tuscon, AZ.

I just love this quote from the Arizona Republic.

"It's OK to be cantankerous and opinionated if you're right," he says. "And we're right."

See also:

Tucson doctor a crusader for CPR change

Doctor pushes for compression-only CPR


  1. I think that one of the people on the EMS EdUCast - Journal Club 2: Episode 43 was saying that this is not part of the medical practice act (which I believe varies from state to state), so that even the medical director does not need to agree to changes in CPR.

    I do not see what the problem is in changing things. Medical directors have us using many medications off label. There is not a problem with that, so why not perform better CPR?

    On the show, I'm the one, who sounds as if he has been abducted by the audio special effects people from Max Headroom. :-(

    "It's OK to be cantankerous and opinionated if you're right." - Dr. Ewy.

    My kind of guy. :-)

    "And we're right."

    Even better.

  2. Thanks for the link, RM! I'll listen to it later today.

